Mozaralla's Desk
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P.S I See You

It's a "rare" outing with the 43 peeps. I deemed it rare as it has been donkey years since we hanged out in this combination. Indeed, it's a fairly diverse combi. Accountant, teacher, civil servant, counselor, marketer, Lawyer. Everyone's different. We have really gone far since that first day 9 years back.

When 2 bored people get together, you get BB vs iPhone~
While some simply prefer to be technology-detached~
Still not getting enough~
Lifestyle cafe ~

Truffle Fries, recommended by Hannie. Best to be shared among 5 friends at least or else bear the calories yourselves~

Classic rolling of eyes~

One of the nicest group pics taken by a bystander IMO, our composition couldn't have been more perfect, making the pic a highly balanced one =)

Quoted from Hannie, we need to do "this" more often.

Let's go ~

Hansel Des rolled on Sunday, September 26, 2010, 10:34 PM

Joy of Eating

Gatherings over meals = JOY, especially if the food is good =)

Farewell dinner for Derrick~

High Tea, currently one of my favs ~
Never Enough !
Chocolates does complete my life sometimes~
Loves the ambience~
and the Peeps~
Supported Rach in her last Tertiary Salsa competition at Zouk. Tertiary really sounds so distant from me now =(

She was really good. It's the first time I really saw her dance and I was impressed. Never mind the crappy results.

Bak Kut Teh dinner thereafter ~
I need a break desperately~

Hansel Des rolled on Friday, September 17, 2010, 10:30 PM


I'm not trying to be Royston Tan by giving this post a number title. I really love 13 too much, so much such that it has already marked many mildstones in my life, from then till now, and never failing me miraculously.

I try not to regret upon my decision each time but that itself is more often than not an irony. I guess it's not how fast you reach a point, but rather how at ease you are with the journey. Are you happy? Do you dread the very moment when you wake up? That is the balance I am trying to seek. I guess for the time to come, I will achieve that, regardless of the longer time I have taken =)

I have never felt so unhappy in my life until this year, seriously. I felt like I have been taken this emotional rollarcoaster, much worst than the ones in Universal Studios. People who know me fairly well should know how repulsive I am to such thrills. It has been a false front I am constantly portraying to the outside world.

And then I also come to realise there is really alot of effort to be made to every friendships or relationships. At every point of our lives we are close to certain friends, just so because we go through that phase together. But really, are these friends those whom we can see ourselves with 10 years down the road? All the holidays, outings together at those phases are merely pseudo relationships which are so susceptible to falling apart when everyone begins the next phase of their lives and maintains minimal effort to keep up with the friendships.

To all friends who are still around, in some way or another, and obviously I do not mean by being virtually around this dormant blog to keep up a friendship, really thanks for all the little effort you have put in to keep the friendship going. I totally understand how hectic and tiring working/schooling life is but I guess you just need that minimal effort to keep things alive.

And to all those who still care, I will share my little simple joy (amidst all the unhappiness in the whole of 2010) with you when I see you.

Till the next post~

Hansel Des rolled on Wednesday, September 15, 2010, 10:49 PM

Mozaralla's Desk


Hansel Des
13th Dec 85

Not tall enough to be a Model,
Not Handsome enough to be an Actor,
Not funny enough to be a Comedian,
But definitely Passionate enough to be a Lover :)

Water Sports


Financially Carefree
Healthy & Happy
Youth & Freedom

Jie Hui
Kai Xiang
Mu Han
Si Ying

October 2006// November 2006// December 2006// January 2007// February 2007// March 2007// April 2007// May 2007// June 2007// July 2007// August 2007// September 2007// October 2007// November 2007// December 2007// January 2008// February 2008// March 2008// April 2008// May 2008// June 2008// July 2008// August 2008// September 2008// October 2008// November 2008// December 2008// January 2009// February 2009// March 2009// April 2009// May 2009// June 2009// July 2009// August 2009// September 2009// October 2009// November 2009// December 2009// January 2010// February 2010// March 2010// April 2010// May 2010// June 2010// July 2010// September 2010// December 2010// January 2011// February 2011// March 2011// August 2011// November 2011// December 2011// April 2012//

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