Mozaralla's Desk
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It's not just about Food

It has to be for Meryl Streep =)

Probably the most versatile & recognized actress of contemporary times, she has really won me over with her stellar performances in various films. Think the Devil in Prada, Mama Mia!, the nun in Doubt and finally as Julia Child in Julie&Julia.

Everything about Meryl is Julia, and I wonder how her accent and high pitched tone comes about.

Some movie critics may have put Amy Adams down as she acts alongside with Meryl but I think she is still quite commendable. Julia seems too perfect to exist while Amy's portrayl of Julie Powell is someone much more realistic and real in the modern times which I can relate to. I can totally relate to the sense of loss she felt in her life, how under-achieved she feels as compared to her high flying peers and how she struggles to make a name for herself.

Julie Powell gives hope to all of us. Someone so ordinary who has achieved such extraordinary feat in her life after some perseverence, and telling us that Dreams don't Lie.

I feel hopeful after watching the show. It gives hope to people like me. Cooking or not, what matters is putting your heart and soul in it =)

Let's all Dream~

Hansel Des rolled on Sunday, October 25, 2009, 11:39 PM

Thinking Twice

I treasure weekdays meetup sessions more after working. It's like after being mentally drained and feeling angsty over work, I find it really comforting to be able to meet friends for a chill-out session, and it doesnt matter even if we meet for a short while.

I was feeling really angsty on thursday cos of work and Im so glad I took my leave at my own discretion (ideally Im not supposed to) to meet Gp V at Molly Malone.

I think I probably shocked you guys with what I said. I am temporarily taking back those words! LoL. Like after some 2nd and 3rd thoughts again. Guess I was too irrational and impulsive that night. A night of sleep does make me more sober. I will just take things as it is first =)

Anyways, we had dessert at TCC after dinner (which I didnt have much of an appetite. As a matter of fact, the void in my stomach was filled by the laughters we had).

Rah getting way too cosy in her comfort zone!

Glad to see most peeps!
Thanks to Nuan's recommendation, we met up for dinner at this cafe. It's a totally hip place to begin with, by hip I simply find that it's such an exotic place! Over the course of my slow and relaxed dinner which probably spanned across 3 hours, I had seen a myraid of crowd of at least 10 nationalities in the area. I feel like Im in a zone so un-singapore, yet Im just inches away from the hustle and bustle of the city (the busy Main Road is really not too far away).

Dont we all love alfresco if not for the humid weather thats killing me in my shirt lately?! Thankfully The evening was surprisingly tolerable =)
This is Nuan's Mexican Dish~
My predictable and unadventurous choice, Grilled Dory Fish~

We really had good seats that night, in that alley ~

Feeling foreign =)
Music and Food. I love them. It's inseparable combination. And probably a winning formula in any business. See how well T***** is thriving.
Just a sidetrack, I miss these buns !

Life as it should still be~

Hansel Des rolled on

Food of the Week

Eating is really destressing.

I live to eat.

There is this recycle machine in the new shopping mall Citysquare. Do check it out and play a part in saving our Earth ! I always think Spore is so laggy in environmental efforts, way behind countries such as Japan and Taiwan in Asia. We should have such machines in every MRT and bus Interchange, and provide some petty cash incentive for people who make the effort !

There's always space for desserts!
The sinful chocolate cake coupled with vanila ice-cream~
Another sinful food has gotta be Dim Sum!

And the Fav category for me has to be Jap food~

Last but not least, the once-in-a-while must eat has gotta be Seafood!
Look at the huge portion of Crab Meat here!

My Ultimate Fav ! Cereal Pranws! Jus the Cereal will do =)
I live in a food Haven, no doubt about that =)

Hansel Des rolled on Wednesday, October 21, 2009, 11:10 PM

Movie of the Month

Not ya typical love story.

Film is shown with the timeline fluctuating randomly.

I guess at the end of the day, its just telling us that not everything has a happy ending.

And with that, does it necessarily mean that when Summer ends, Autumn has to come inevitably?

I wouldn't wanna think that way.


Hansel Des rolled on Monday, October 19, 2009, 12:31 AM

Seasons in the Sun

As much as I dislike winter, its still cool having the other 3 seasons around.

Where is my Spring?

Hansel Des rolled on Tuesday, October 13, 2009, 9:50 PM

And So it Begins

The discipline to sleep early hasn't been my call.

The alarm that jolts me awake at 7am every weekday.

The throng of people on MRT which sardines me.

The familiar "Raffles Place Interchange" buzz above my head.

The countless footsteps which follow behind me, seemingly capable of devouring me.

The reluctant desire to assimiliate in the sea of shirts & ties.

Alas, the voice within me which echoed evily,

Welcome to the Corporate World =(


Hansel Des rolled on Saturday, October 10, 2009, 12:49 AM

Food & Work

Thats probably how my life will be for the next few years at least. I always think working for no purpose is meaningless and one of its main purpose is definitely feeding yourself with better food =)

The roast duck from a popular food chain here, very crispy skin indeed~
Went to catch my 1st 3D animation movie, Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs, one day after work. Its cool, but I dont like to don the clumsy and uncomfy 3D specs! The movie is cool, I like the refreshing idea of the food disaster concept, bringing the audiences into a food fantasy.

We are simply Sua Kus caught in our fascination with the 3D notion lol~
The food at this coffee chain is really very nice~
Esp the Tofu Beef~
I was so surprised by the standard of the food =)
Hope its not too much of food overload! This is nothing compared to the food candy you will see in the movie~
Nice set from W*****~
I am so in love with this mall ! Think I can be spotted here at least twice a week.LoL
Never let work bore you.
Rule your job, not vice versa.

Hansel Des rolled on Sunday, October 04, 2009, 11:26 PM

Back to School

This time it wasn't to any of my school but my sis school. Had to rush down after work to attend the graduation ceremony!

It was a 2 hours plus ceremony and while seating in the hall, I could totally recall the feeling of being a secondary student. Guess our biggest concern those days was doing well for exams and O Levels eventually. That's it. How I miss those day. The cheers, the atmosphere, the teachers, school songs... these are already the memories of yesterday.

And this feeling of poignancy is even more intense after I started work officially this week. Well it certainly takes different life experiences to make you appreciate the other more.

The BIG reason why I am here, Sis giving her Valedictorian speech, which in my opinion is quite good~

I wanna study again. Shall resolve to make it happen soons!

Hansel Des rolled on

Mozaralla's Desk


Hansel Des
13th Dec 85

Not tall enough to be a Model,
Not Handsome enough to be an Actor,
Not funny enough to be a Comedian,
But definitely Passionate enough to be a Lover :)

Water Sports


Financially Carefree
Healthy & Happy
Youth & Freedom

Jie Hui
Kai Xiang
Mu Han
Si Ying

October 2006// November 2006// December 2006// January 2007// February 2007// March 2007// April 2007// May 2007// June 2007// July 2007// August 2007// September 2007// October 2007// November 2007// December 2007// January 2008// February 2008// March 2008// April 2008// May 2008// June 2008// July 2008// August 2008// September 2008// October 2008// November 2008// December 2008// January 2009// February 2009// March 2009// April 2009// May 2009// June 2009// July 2009// August 2009// September 2009// October 2009// November 2009// December 2009// January 2010// February 2010// March 2010// April 2010// May 2010// June 2010// July 2010// September 2010// December 2010// January 2011// February 2011// March 2011// August 2011// November 2011// December 2011// April 2012//

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