Mozaralla's Desk
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Surprisingly the internet connection in the cafe here is not as bad as Vietnam. Life in Vientiene has kind of settled down. We are currently visiting a school everyday for education and construction works. Will be setting off for a village in a few days time, where there is no electricity at night. And there was a blackout on the whole street 2 nights ago when it rained heavily. Like wat's so surprising?! There is really no life here. Maybe having no life is also a form of life. Seen alot, felt alot and as usual I cant help feeling helpless sometimes. There is just so much we can do =(

Really glad to have KX, SM & Jess around for this trip. They are very nice people I knew last year from Vietnam exchange. There are a couple of nice peeps around (so many in NBS esp which just made me feel Im living in such a small circle). Of cos there are a fair share of not so likeable peeps. Shall not elaborate here.

Looking forward to the completion of the whole OVE trip... and I shall embark on another =)

Hansel Des rolled on Wednesday, July 23, 2008, 9:39 PM


Perhaps I should be a foodie blogger, or join ST as food correspondent.
Recommended XX to BTK during the weekends and we were both full of praise for the food. Since the last time I brought Moo & her mum there, I have since fell in love with the beancurd and the sweet & sour fish.


So glaring!
Just a random pic~ Can I be a fashion correspondent as well?!
As I grow up(shall not use age haha), I realised I have diverted from my old penchant for western/Italian food (esp evident during JC days) towards my current penchant for Chinese/Jap food.

Sushi at Ichiban gotta be one of the places which offered a diverse selection of sushis.

My fav Tuna~
Tuna again~
This is fried pumpkin with thousand island sauce~
My fav tempura udon~
Super sinful and nice Cereal chicken~
Peach Ice-cream~
Okay random again~
Finally, I managed to go to serangoon gardens Ice3 for desserts. Had been wanting to go for very long. Glad to find company even for my late notice. Haha.

It's a cosy and small dessert place, mainly offering ice-creams, mudpies, waffle & brownies. Nuan and me chose the high bar seats unanimously.
The names of the desserts are as interesting as NYDC.
Nuan's banana with Caramel Mudpie~
Something I had called Volcanic Eruption! Haha

I saw a long time no see JC classmate there. Haha. The most regretful thing was that I did not manage to say Hi to her at all. And she didnt notice me, maybe I changed too much. Haha. She was with her BF I think so I thought that I would say Hi when I was about to leave. The next moment I know, she left! Maybe I was too engrossly chatting that I didnt notice her exit even though I was seated facing the door. Next time I shouldn't hesitate! I dun even have her facebook, MSN, Hp no. since A levels.

I sinned & enjoyed~

Hansel Des rolled on Thursday, July 17, 2008, 10:15 PM

Overdue Post

Went to Amoy on sat wanting to eat my fav Zhu Zhu stall but it was closed =(

Lunch was at Nihon Mura wif BFG. It was full attendance - Pz.

15 min later~
I have to say the food is not bad, at least for a non-fussy eater like me. Haha. And price is rather reasonable too, another plus point. Plus wide selection of food.
Thinking of desserts after lunch, we headed towards Orchard direction. CK suggested Old School so we checked the place out.

Have to overcome a flight of stairs before reaching~
Its obvious who dun exercise!
Finally reached~
Rather arty and loud statue~
Feel like the early 90s~
Anw there was nth much up there. Nth like the Dempsey I imagined. Except for this fallen lamp perhaps.
The only reward was a drink YC bought for herself~
The only gp pic of the day~

Hansel Des rolled on Tuesday, July 15, 2008, 11:48 PM

Friends or...

Hmm I just read a friend's entry on friends. I do agree with this friend KK that alot of friendships are 心照不宣, but if according to what one friend of mine said (shall call this friend YY), if u've not told yr close friend before that I tink we are quite good friends or something along the line then u must be really 不熟with this friend. Well I agree and disagree with YY's statement. It shd apply more between extroverted-extro friends or extro-introverted close friends as it is unlikely that intro-intro people can be so explicit with each other. As an INFP, I must confess that I dun tink I have ever told anyone "hey u r my good friend" or "we are gd friends" as I will naively assume that such an understanding should be implicit. One main reason I dun explicitly recognise close friends is that what if it's a one-sided affair? That will be so embarrasing. So I dun really bother about whether friend ZZ treats me as a close friend so long as I treat ZZ as one.

Since Im on the topic on friends, it just gets more superficial as we get older. Felt it even more in Uni. Friends are for networking purposes. You try to know more people for ulterior motives, for your own possible future benefits. You probably won't go out with these acquaintances or networking friends or even project mates, but when you need their help you realise you do MSN/email/SMS them. Too many such relationships in Uni.

This friend JJ once fedback to me that my blog entry on friends some time ago is so superficial. Haha. Perhaps. So I shall try to be less superficial this time round. I agree with KK that close friends are those you can pour yr troubles to comfortably. I must add that it's also someone whom you feel comfortable with. If I dread talking alone to you, taking the same lift as you, going out alone with you, taking the same class as you only, eating with you, then you shdnt be my close friend since I dun feel at ease with you ALONE. I emphasized ALONE because its completely different if you are in groups or cliques since there are other people to mask the awkwardness. Haha.

Anw I dun think I wanna say much anymore. If you can see that I can do all the above comfortably with you, then it's highly likely that I regard you as my close friend ! And hope you feel the same =)


Hansel Des rolled on


I finally know what 美如天仙 means now. She is such an angelic figure, where no one woman is anywhere like her. I am glad I have the honor to be in the same air and place as her last thursday. This post shall be dedicated to Ms Lin Zhi Ling, in my humble opinion the most beautiful and charismatic woman I ever seen till today... of cos pics cannot do her full justice as compared to seeing her in person...

She left her mark...
Always smiley...
All the spotlight is on her...


Hansel Des rolled on Monday, July 14, 2008, 12:32 AM

My Top 10 Asia Destinations

Im back with another top 10 list! This time round the spot light is on Asia. You don't have to travel far and spend a bomb to enjoy beautiful sceney. Right in our continent, there are many gems around. It's so tantalising by merely admiring the beautiful pictures. I have no doubt once again that each of us is so insignificant as compared to God's creation of our motherland. I will blog about how insignificant we(and earth) are in our universe in my next entry.

Once again, I shall not provide a clue on where these places are. A "helpful" hint is that I have been to none before. Anw some of the places are pretty obvious la!

In the country of the rising sun~ Im superb impressed by this lake~
Most challenging place to trek~
An island paradise~

Damn easy to guess~
Equally easy~
Dun tell me u can't read~
Arguably the most beautiful place in C****~
This is super easy too~
It's Asia, truly Asia~

Hansel Des rolled on Friday, July 11, 2008, 10:46 AM

My CURRENT Top 5 Chinese Singers

I shall blog about a series of my top 10 lists of anything random. The first was on holidays, this time round it shall be my favourite singers CURRENTly. Ironically, apart from Yoga Lin who just became a singer not long ago, I must say I am no fan of the other 4 singers 5 years ago, and some until only recently. Better than to discover good voices than never.

林宥嘉 - 聲音俱有感染力和張力,迷幻宥嘉的稱號最適當不過因為每次聽他的聲音都有一種說不出的感動。最金典因該是他唱«你是我的眼»,真得讓我起雞皮疙瘩。

陳奕迅 - 我只能用愛屋及烏來形容我對Eason的欣賞,完全是被林宥嘉影響。現在開始喜歡Eason的懶散和無所謂的唱腔。
莫文尉 - 從來都沒有很喜歡她的歌,也不覺得她會唱。也是多虧宥嘉讓我發現她的歌寫得好美,每一首感情歌都處理得好細膩。聽了真得很有感覺和認同感。
張信哲 - 情歌王子,無人能媲美。
周杰倫 - N年前我說過不喜歡他,現在不得不認同他的才華橫跨多個領域。
周杰伦 - 一個時代的代表人物。

Hansel Des rolled on Thursday, July 10, 2008, 10:04 AM

Mozaralla's Desk


Hansel Des
13th Dec 85

Not tall enough to be a Model,
Not Handsome enough to be an Actor,
Not funny enough to be a Comedian,
But definitely Passionate enough to be a Lover :)

Water Sports


Financially Carefree
Healthy & Happy
Youth & Freedom

Jie Hui
Kai Xiang
Mu Han
Si Ying

October 2006// November 2006// December 2006// January 2007// February 2007// March 2007// April 2007// May 2007// June 2007// July 2007// August 2007// September 2007// October 2007// November 2007// December 2007// January 2008// February 2008// March 2008// April 2008// May 2008// June 2008// July 2008// August 2008// September 2008// October 2008// November 2008// December 2008// January 2009// February 2009// March 2009// April 2009// May 2009// June 2009// July 2009// August 2009// September 2009// October 2009// November 2009// December 2009// January 2010// February 2010// March 2010// April 2010// May 2010// June 2010// July 2010// September 2010// December 2010// January 2011// February 2011// March 2011// August 2011// November 2011// December 2011// April 2012//

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